Give Back Friday Weekend

Give Back Friday Weekend

Whilst the Internet will be flooded with Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals that merely focus on getting a product for the lowest price, we’ve decided to walk a different path this year and shift the focus from the product, to the people.

Our goal is to change the vision of what these commercial holidays could achieve. That’s why for 2021 we’re introducing Give Back Friday Weekend, where we will raise money for Together for Bali!

Give Back Friday 

As you may know, we have always considered Bali as our second home. COVID-19 has been hard for the island and its people. The island is slowly opening again but that doesn't mean everything's back to normal. Due to lack of tourism and other financial setbacks, many people lost their jobs or are struggling financially. Which means still so many people don't have money left for food or other basic needs.

Together for Bali 

Together for Bali is a non-profit organisation providing free meals, baby milk and pampers for those who need it most during the pandemic. Generous donations and many helping hands allowed Together for Bali to continue this mission.

Let's give back together!

That is why we decided Black Friday weekend will be about giving back! How? We donate 10% of all our Give Back Friday profits to Together for Bali, so they can help the people who need it most! The only thing you do is shop your favourite items with a 20% discount by using code: GIVEBACK20 at your check-out! Easy right?

We hope this initiative will bring the Flawed community together, where we can join forces to make a difference! Shop now responsibly, use the code: GIVEBACK20 and happy shopping!

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